Monday, May 26, 2008

Spicy Nacho Doritos - Wontpower in a Bag!

First off I think I fell off the caffeine and food wagon without making a conscious decision to do so... and apparently I've also fallen off of the blogging wagon.

Well on with the show. This week will be a low caffeine, low calorie, exercise packed week. I swear. My $30 per month gym membership is gathering dust before my eyes, and $30 a month is enough to buy me one or more board games or a video game (Wii or DS at this point). Hhrmm I smell an upcoming post.

First let me start with an ode to Spicy Nacho flavored Doritos. Doritos are my arch enemy but to be honest they haven't tasted that good in the last several years. I remember the days when the corners weren't cut off and you had to search through the whole bag for the chip with the heaviest faux nacho coating. Now they chips are neutered (assuming tortilla chip corners are akin to man-balls) and they are literally swimming in overly salty, not very cheesy dust. I just don't like em that much. Then as I'm strolling through CVS one day a while back I see a flavor I've never seen before. SPICY NACHO. "Spicy" I think to my self. "Maybe some spice would undo the boring saltiness that has maligned my formerly favorite chip for these past many trips around the sun. So I buy a 99 cent "Big Bag" or whatever they call it these days. These too are tons smaller than they were when they came out years ago but I digress. THE THINGS ARE FRIGGIN' DELICIOUS. They are damned near Mexamerican Snack Food Nirvana. And the thing that makes them so delicious is not just the expected kick in the pants that the extra spice gives the chips. No. There is something in the special dust added to this flavor of doritos that ACTUALLY MAKES THE CHIPS CRUNCHIER! I'm serious. Listen up Frito Lay cus the biggest discovery every to happen to Doritos has come with a test flavor that will probably disappear never to been eaten again like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut flavored Doritos did a while back. What the hell do Taco Bell and Pizza Hut taste like anyway. They never mentioned tacos or pizza on the bag. Anyway those flavors sucked everloving ass but Spicy Nacho f-ing RAWKs. So tell Frito Lay to keep making them and tell them to extract the chunch-enhancing dust and spray it on every train to fatsoville they make. BRAVO!

As you can probably guess I ate a bag of these beauties this weekend. I feel terrible both mentally and physically about it and vow to go to the gym for at least 3 of the next 4 days of this week to do penance for my tansgression.

Cunch All You Want. They'll make more!
